Web room
Showcase your accommodation facilities
The Web Room package is for apartment landlords and hotel owners. The package includes the CMS administration interface for autonomous editing of content.
The Web Room package contains the following items:
- Graphical design of the website
- Multilingual content (unlimited number of languages)
- Creation of a website that is database driven:
- Accommodation
- Pricelist
- Special deals
- Gastronomy
- Reservation form
- Photo gallery
- Video gallery
- Location + implementation of Google Maps
- Contact form
- The package includes the following modules:
- Weather Forecast
- Currency converter
- Exchange rate
- Reservation calendar
- On-line reservation
- calculation (calculation of advance)
- PayPal online payment
- SEO optimisation (customising for search engines)
- Responsive web design (the ability to customise web pages for smartphones and tablet devices)
- Registering onto most of the web directories and search engines
- Registering for Google Analytics (statistics on website visits)
- Entering content
- Creation of an e-mail account